Pleasant or Unpleasant?

Today I am grateful for the subtle sights and sounds my senses pick up and connect with in the early morning quiet. I am also most appreciative of the Insight Timer meditation app and the practice of meditation that helps me achieve a quiet mind more and more.

The morning quiet and a relaxed body and brain are pleasant experiences and ones I continue to seek. A blaring alarm and bright lights are unpleasant, and usually I can avoid them.

Pleasant and unpleasant are worth further consideration.

By official definition:

Pleasant–a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment

Unpleasant-causing discomfort, disagreeable (revulsion seems strong–but is it?)

Pleasant and unpleasant can be used to describe a wide multitude of happenings, many beyond any human control, but some are squarely in the realm of my own attitude and mindset. I seek a peaceful day-to-day experience of life, love, Nature, exercise, recovery.

Pleasant or unpleasant? Weather, conversations, meals, a work day, a night’s rest. In my own thoughts and feelings. In the pattern of carpet on the floor or colors on the wall.

Life will be unpleasant at times. I am definitely unpleasant at times. We can’t avoid all things unpleasant. Unpleasant things can be warning signs, indicators of necessary action, our best teachers.

I went for a pleasant early morning run yesterday, in advance of potential rain, snow, and cold. It was a balmy 40-degree morning here and I sure enjoyed my outing. But I will run in most conditions. I am not a fair weather runner. I am simply a runner. Even when the wind, temperatures, and surfaces may be unpleasant, or some body parts are feeling unpleasant, I’ve never regretted taking a run. The pleasantness of endorphins tends to help everything.

Pleasant or unpleasant? What kind of companion am I? To my own mind and body, my husband and family, our dog, my colleagues, students, fellow shoppers? It’s a good question to return to regularly.

*I will be taking a blog break next week. Have a good week and see you back here in late March!


The Push and Pull of Life


Celebrating and Working