The Push and Pull of Life

Living gratefully today, I give thanks for safe travels, new sights, and more shared memories with family. I also appreciate the green grass and palm trees, blue skies and sun, and shirt sleeves and shorts on our travels, giving us a taste of spring that will arrive later than usual in our home state.

My husband Darcy and I enjoyed our trip to Las Vegas and a day excursion to the Grand Canyon last week. It was my second visit to Las Vegas and Darcy’s first. Neither of us had been to the Grand Canyon before. We were joined by my six sisters and several spouses, which was a real treat! Our days were full, and the time went quickly.

Being there offered many opportunities and observations, and just a few reflections to write about.

The first time I traveled to Las Vegas was in January 2009, another trip with my sisters. I was about five weeks out from bilateral mastectomies, the third surgery to address cancer in my right breast. In fact, I took my first post-surgery, flat-chested run on The Strip. Our sister Mary Jo was there in 2009 too. I thought about her more than once on this trip. She died in June 2019, from metastatic breast cancer.

The disease that took my sister and my breasts never entirely leaves, but it was less on my mind than simply in my mind.

Speaking of diseases, there was plenty of smoking and drinking observed in Vegas. A small part of me lamented missing out on that part of the “Sin City” experience. But a far larger part of me remained ever grateful that those two former addictions are no longer active in my life. Recovery is what is active, on a daily basis.

One morning when Darcy was spending time in the hotel hot tub, I came back from a run and joined him in the pool area. When I got ready to leave, I pulled on the entry door when all I needed was to push it. We shared a chuckle over that. I walked out considering how often in life I can make things tougher for myself and others. A tough pull when a gentle push would work best.

The push and pull of past memories. The push and pull of slot machines. The push and pull of our aging bodies and minds. It was a good push that led to this trip happening. A meaningful pull to spend time away and together. That is not a tough pull. It is the best kind of pull. Family. Sisterhood. Laughter. Fun. Onward!


Voices Without and Within


Pleasant or Unpleasant?