Premolar #12, 1/2 and 1/2

I have a bad mouth. Yes, you can take that two ways. And yes, if you know me, you know it to be true that I can sometimes use certain strong words to emphasize a situation as it is playing out.

But I also have a bad mouth, dentally speaking. Several crowns, teeth gone, one implant and now another one on the way. So a couple of weeks ago when I bit down on something and felt a pain in one of my teeth, I was hoping it was one of those incidents that clears over the next few days. It didn’t. By early this week, after avoiding chewing on that side and feeling a dull throb continue, I called the dentist. Thankfully, they were able to get me in yesterday.

With my vast, unwanted experience involving dental issues, I diagnosed myself. Turns out I was correct. The tooth had cracked. Apparently premolar #12 is susceptible to cracks because of location and design. The decision was made to pull it and move forward with the implant process in the coming months. A root canal and crown was another option, less expensive, but not a permanent fix. As the tooth was being pulled, the dentist discovered the crack was all the way to the bone. I had made the right decision.

Making decisions about my teeth is something I am able to do. We have insurance, flex spending accounts, local access to trusted and experienced dental professionals. My bad mouth and I are very fortunate.

I was feeling a little sorry for myself and my extracted tooth as I left the dentist. Some pudding sounded good, and so did the treat of half and half for my coffee. (I usually use almond milk.) I picked those up at the store and gained perspective as I texted a friend. She is dealing with a much more significant health concern right now.

There were necessary gauze changes for a couple of hours while bleeding continued and then slowed as my amazing body went to work clotting and beginning to heal from the recent loss. The numbing wore off and there was pain, but not the pain of a toothache. Perspective. My teeth not only help feed my body, they teach my brain and heart a thing or two from time to time.

Here’s the half and half and the little case they gave me with the three pieces of my tooth in it. Half and half. Even if it feels like half of my mouth has had work done, it’s a pretty good mouth overall. My glass is back to half full this morning.

I said goodbye to premolar #12 yesterday and said hello to some smooth half and half in my coffee this morning. Blessings abound each day. Challenges show themselves too, but the energy generated through living gratefully helps me face and move through them, maybe even with some grace.




Throwing Nets