The Flow

“Wisdom says we are nothing. Love says we are everything. Between these two our life flows.”

-Sri Nisargardatta Maharaj-

This was today’s quote on the meditation app I regularly use—Insight Timer.

Wisdom delivers us back to the basics, in a good way. I am a tiny part of a Universe that is vast. I matter. You matter. What we say and do matters, just not always in the ways we anticipate. The wisdom comes in when we don’t expect too much and when we don’t force outcomes.

The flow of acceptance is vital to allow wisdom to arrive and be acknowledged.

Love. Loving ourselves. Loving others. Loving the opportunity of another day to live. No matter what the situation or emotion, love wins. If it is given enough time to reveal itself. Wisdom seeks forgiveness. Love reveals compassion. That’s the flow I seek.

The last couple of days I have had opportunities to enjoy the flow of breezes through trees and the gentle sound of leaves rustling. I gave a few moments to the sights and sounds of the mild air movement. At once, I felt infinitesimal and also unshakable. That’s flow. That’s all. ALL.


The Generosity of August and Recovery


Good Energy