The Generosity of August and Recovery

”Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”

-on Insight Timer meditation app, August 27, 2023-

August got away from me, so I am a few days tardy on my monthly “Generosity” post. Today is a good day to write about the month just passed, and about today, just for today. Abundance and generosity are similar terms and also both easy to spot when sincerely and simply looking.

August was a busy blur, with an intense work schedule and also some challenges in that workplace that helped reveal growth I have made in clearer boundaries, fewer assumptions, and less taking things personally. The generosity in applying healthy practices and patience to myself and to everyday life.

There was the generosity of fresh tomatoes, from my friend Judy’s garden and the local vegetable stands in our community. There is nothing more delicious and appreciated than freshly-picked produce. I can taste the difference and I am taken back to the garden of my childhood. We weren’t spoiled kids in most respects, but we were spoiled with the splendor of our large summer garden. The generosity of memories.

Early in the month, I spent time with my mom, two of my sisters, and all five of my brothers. The pace of that weekend, the various conversations, and time on the farm all put me in a better place to face the weeks ahead. The generosity of family and shared history.

In my daily recovery from alcoholism —“daily work for a daily disease” — I find that when I listen generously to others in recovery and to Great Spirit, I am given wisdom and grace that leads to peace. Abundant peace. Or at least enough peace on the tough days to get me through, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally sober. The generosity of recovery and others who share theirs with me.

And I close with this hosta blossom in late August–a late bloomer like me. Generous in hope and beauty.

Tune in to today’s generosity and abundance.


Author Abigail Thomas


The Flow