The Generosity of June

June is always a restorative month for me as each school year winds down and I have some time to reflect. These last thirty days have gone by quickly and have been generous with blessings, even as the challenges also linger.

Generosity is my “word for the year” and I have been making lists each month of ways that generosity reveals itself.

Here are some of June’s:

*A cool morning breeze/air in the midst of a heat wave. Air quality alerts have been numerous as well, making the fresh air even more welcome.

*Sitting on our front patio listening to awe-inspiring music in the later evening, just before bed, the music touching my soul.

*Northern Minnesota scenery, new places, and really good flatbread.

*Visits with old friends, former co-workers, and new and continuing colleagues.

*Getting Wordle in two tries after getting NO letters on my first try. This was “plunk” on 6/13/23.

*Conversation with family that was pleasant, comfortable, and informative. (This happened several times.)

*The success of a poetry reading/story telling and music event that my sisters and I, and our niece and her friend, had together. Success measured in how many people were there and in their laughter, head nods, comments, and surprise.

*A tractor ride with my son Sam. The space was cramped but the view and the time together were expansive.

*And those churches that I spent time in last week had more wisdom to impart. Things like the smell of varnish, which prompts memories of the church of my youth and the pews we spent hours in. Things like “Please be seated.” and “Peace be with you. And also with you.” I have heard these hundreds of times before, but I was listening in new ways recently.

Listening and looking in new ways. Generosity and gratefulness help make that possible. If I pay attention with an open mind and heart, attention pays me back generously. June’s challenges include evolving work changes and concerns, the persistence of poor air quality like never before, my own expectations, and the general state of our country and planet.

Generosity and gratefulness help me temper all the concerns and match them with energy to keep living fully each day. Generosity flowed throughout the month. Thanks Laurel for this inspiring word that is helping me deepen my gratefulness as 2023 unfolds. Onward!

This month’s photo was captured just yesterday-a stunning clematis blossom in our yard. Our grandson Leo took a whiff and said it smelled like grapes. That’s what paying attention gives you :-)


Gratitude Flowing


Sitting in Churches