The Silence and Generosity of September

As I compose this, the early morning is being interrupted by a thunderstorm. A welcome sound in ways, as we need the rain. Yet, it is the generosity of silence that I am pondering as I reflect on the last month.

*The anniversary of my beginnings in recovery from alcoholism was early in the month. Nothing else would matter much if I didn’t have this daily reprieve. Daily work for a daily disease.

*The generosity in routine–the comfort, the calm, the knowing–when so much is otherwise. A return to a new school year and settling in to the flow of work weeks is both exhausting and welcome.

*These words in a recent poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer really resonated: “ . . . the way silence is nourished by silence.” Mindful meditation is a regular part of my days now, and I am so very grateful for that. My mind is less my enemy and more my friend and companion. What a shift! Daily work for a daily overthinker and overdoer.

*From one of my meditations apps—Healthy Minds—this line emerged this week: “Living true to your values is a marathon, not a sprint.” I miss my running marathons and all of the training runs that helped build up to them. We ran several fall marathons and those were times of excited anticipation. I miss that. And yet, this other marathon continues and I welcome the daily training.

*An open-mic night and a “taproom takeover” this month provided opportunities to continue honing my spoken word skills and building my repertoire of material. I keep my expectations reasonable and I honor myself with the courage to step up to the mic and share words I believe are meant to be shared. New doors are opening.

*Learning to remain silent in situations and moments that need my quiet more than any words I would offer.

*The arrival of fall, my favorite season, is always a generous time. The colorful sights, rustling sounds, distinct smells, cool breezes—pausing in silence to take them in, even momentarily, helps me tap into the gratitude flow for Nature that has always been a sustaining force in my life.

Thanks again Laurel, for sparking the generosity of generosity for me this year.


Silence, Revisited


Gratitude Flowing Like Coffee