Unexpected, Vivid, Warmth

Living gratefully today, I give thanks for a clear driveway, late day sunshine, and the letters U, V, and W.

The snowstorm I referenced in my last post delivered well over a foot of snow, which my husband Darcy and I shoveled off of our driveway in several waves over a couple of days. We got some unexpected help yesterday from unidentified others though too. Three times in one day. The first helper was in the dark of early morning. I had shoveled the top half of our driveway after significant overnight snowfall. I came in for a break and a few minutes later noticed snow flying out the window. A snowblower was making quick work of the bottom half of our driveway. I am pretty sure it was our neighbor, but I can’t say for sure.

It continued to snow all morning yesterday too. Darcy and I headed out to shovel before noon and again noticed that someone had cleared our driveway. This one is a complete mystery to us. We saw and heard nothing, and our dog Oliver apparently didn’t notice either.

The third round of help was all about timing. Living on a corner lot, we get extra snow dumped at the end of our driveway when the city plows come down the side street and make the turn onto our street. It just goes with the territory. It was a pretty big pile this time. I began to tackle it myself and then our grandson Leo and his mom Emily stopped by for a short visit. Leo started helping me.

We were a little over halfway done when we noticed a uniloader coming down the street. As it passed our house, the driver paused, then turned and took one swipe of our remaining driveway snow and pushed it all up and out of the way. I waved at the driver and yelled a “thank you” his way. He continued around the corner to a house down the street to do more clearing. His small gesture was sure appreciated by Leo and I, and my back and arm muscles too.

Three unexpected and unidentified individuals helped us out, saved us time, and got us back into our warm house sooner. They didn’t have to go out of their way, but they did. We sure appreciate the neighborly gestures.

The vivid white snow has freshened up the landscape again, after plenty of melting and the drab piles left behind. I give thanks for my sight and other senses, bringing the vividness of both outdoor and indoor worlds to me.

Warmth was welcomed each time I stepped back into my heated and insulated house after shoveling or taking Oliver out. Warmth showed itself through the kindness of others. Warmth spreads from my own heart as I pause in mindful meditation.

Plenty of gifts amid plenty of snow.


Our Amazing Bodies: Xiphoid Process


Ample Rest, Abundant Snow, and a small “t”