Ample Rest, Abundant Snow, and a small “t”

Returning to my A-Z gratitude list today, I am going to move through R, S, and T. REST. SNOW. tenacious.

REST I may not get as much rest as I should regularly, but I get what I need. And I have learned that a 5-minute nap can be really refreshing, or a couple extra minutes lying in bed with a quiet mind can bring a nice close to a night of sleep. I appreciated that this morning I already knew I would be working from home today and tomorrow, allowing me to sleep longer.

Physical rest is crucial to my overall health, but so are mental and emotional rest. Maybe a better word for it is inactivity, or at least less activity of the detrimental type. I have made good progress here in recent years with meditation, breathing practices, therapy, forgiveness, and healing. “That’s just a thought.” and “This too shall pass.” are phrases that help bring quiet and ease. Not the exhausted toxicity of rumination upon rumination. REST.

SNOW! We are in the midst of a snowstorm that may be one for the record books by the time it wraps up tomorrow. We have already gotten 5-6 inches in the initial wave, but the bigger wave still coming could deliver well over a foot of additional snow. There is wind also, and the light, fluffy snow will be blowing and drifting abundantly as well. Good old-fashioned snow days with a new twist for students and educators—online/distance learning.

I appreciate the technology that helps keep us conveniently connected, and I give thanks for the physical capabilities that allow my husband and I to get our dog Oliver out, take care of shoveling (best done in numerous waves as well), and tend to what we need to do as the storm unfolds. Snowmageddon. Snowpocalypse. Call it what you want. It’s a snowstorm. SNOW!

tenacious. I just like this word. Be tenacious. Stay determined in giving time and energy to my priorities. Remain persistent in my daily habits for overall health. tenacious.

There you have it! Ample rest. Abundant snow. A small “t.” Onward!


Unexpected, Vivid, Warmth


A Smile All the Same