Morning Sky

Living gratefully today, I pause to honor the fresh day and the morning sky. I adore the early mornings and the quietude. I accept whatever Mother Nature dishes up, but it certainly is easier to enjoy a warm and windless start to the day after a few evenings of severe weather concerns.

I love to cloud watch too. Within twenty minutes, the same area of sky took on these two manifestations near our home just now. It brings awe and wonder to my heart. How could it not?

The only way it could not is if I am not paying attention. That certainly happens, but I try to always look up when I go outside. Look up literally at the sky, the little portion of a wider galaxy and universe we inhabit. It is very humbling, and helps attune me to right here, right now. It reminds me that I am not alone and that Great Spirit resides in all of this space too. Here to comfort, support, and inspire me.

Look up from the screens that command so much of our time. Look at the person you are speaking with and see their eyes, face, expression.

Look up figuratively, in my attitudes and perceptions of the day ahead. The “Have a good day, unless you’ve made other plans.” quote comes to mind. I will carry that, and the energizing awe of these clouds, into my day.

What are you carrying into your day?


“I Hate Gratitude”


STOP and Write an Acrostic